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The promote screen gets interesting information into other peoples' mailboxes.   This exciting feature lets you create email packages complete with attachments to send out to evangelize any cause or topic you choose.  The subject then becomes a menu item.

When you click Promote from the Send panel, this screen is shown:

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Selecting any of the topics showing causes that package to be sent to the recipient.

The first topic is provided for you.  This is an email to promote Ezian.  This enables you to tell your friends about Ezian so they can get their own copy.  The other topics are just for illustrative purposes, and represent examples of some things you might create.  Use your imagination and promote subjects which interest you.

Advantages of your friends having Ezian
When your friends have Ezian, the Chat feature of Ezian comes alive for you, because you can then see when they are online and invite them to have live conferences with you.  Also, if your friends have Ezian, they will have the ability to send you email more easily, and take advantage of some of the other wonderful Ezian features.

Preparing your own Promotional items

Clicking Add on the Promote menu lets you create your own promotional item. What you see is a special rendition of the email writing window, which you access from the Send Menu.

With the cursor highlighting one of your promote selections, clicking Edit will open the special Promote composition window, where you can make any changes you wish, including changing the Subject, the Attachments or the text in the body.  When you have finished Editing, clicking OK will bring you back to the Promote screen and changes in the Subject will show as a changed menu item.

With the cursor highlighting any item, you can Delete it from the Promote menu.

After moving the cursor to the menu item you wish to send, click Send.  Your promotional package is sent to the recipient or recipients you designated.