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In summary, Ezian is excellent
Easy to use email - chat with your email friends  -excellent web surfing assistant
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Ezian Main Menu
Instant message
Chat live
Sending options
Getting mail
Multiple accounts
Writing emails
Send pictures
Send weblinks
Promote causes
Group Sending
Ezian Ezine
Friends list
Events Window
Amazing help
Yahoo email
Different owners
Ezian is excellent
Download Ezian Download 
Ezian is free. Yes, absolutely free.

Ezian is brought to you by lets you host a website in your own computer with just a dialup connection.
Ezian is amazing
To summarize, Ezian is quite simply easy email. 
Its greatest benefit
It lets you send and receive email much more easily than ever before! 
It allows you to integrate chatting with your email experience.
Ezian's combined features make web surfing a whole lot more fun.